
Actions that enhance the human being.

Category: /Poetic Prose/

Actions that enhance the human being.
Some quotes taken from Facebook, see if you can change the world too.
Written by the coordinator of the JM of the San Francisco Xavier Parish.
Daniel Freitas Cruz Do Carmo
Yesterday at 13:28
The first photo is an updated picture of today, one of the places that were cleaned yesterday (photo 2). (I.e.

Unfortunately people complain about the lack of policies to keep the city clean or to prevent floods, in the good ... lacking each one to take responsibility for the chaos that we live ...

Do we want to complain about politicians? Let's start by changing our attitudes in the little!

Saw throwing trash, interfere! saw something wrong, do something about it!
And, look what I wrote in the comment I made. I believe that all of us can with small attitudes change the world.
"Action that any villager should do: First sweep and gather garbage from the sidewalk itself and gutter (gutter), where we all flood with cigarette butts, bullet papers or others, even the pins of drugs. When we live near streams (streams) through the window, thinking that Nature will take that garbage somewhere else, then the rains come, fill up the houses, and cry out to God?
The action of the JM San Francisco Xavier Parish was excellent, I hope it does not fall into oblivion. That the young people value more, when I, for example as a mother, asked Anninha Castro, or Manuel Castro, to sweep our sidewalk like this, like me and my 81 year old mother, Mrs. Deo, we always do, and we do not throw the trash to the sidewalk of nobody, we take and we put it in a bag, we collect so that it is not in the streets. I hope this action really makes a difference for people.
Here in Fr. Lourenço, let me say, my mother, my neighbor José Marcio', and a lord of Eastern origin, we do much more than our part in this Planet, it is now up to the others to take as examples.
Let's follow the primer of the 5 Rs: REUSE. RETHINK. REAPROVEITAR. REDUCE. RECYCLE.
The recycled garbage of this event came to my garage, on Thursday, I will put out, because here in the Missionary Village, pass the truck of the selective garbage: Plastics (polymers of all kinds), metals, less batteries, because in big markets like Carrefour, have the potato stacks, and we must take it there to be recycled, due to the toxicity of heavy metals such as cadmium, and others. In addition, cell phone batteries, too, carry in authorized places. Other recyclable materials are cardboard, milk cartons and others.
Let's improve our Mission Village, yes, starting with us. It's no use waiting for the Ademar City Supreme Court, Júlio Carreiro, let's do our part. Let's have organization. For God gave us trees, water, animals, to live in dignity and peace. Let us be Christians, Spiritists, Evangelicals, Umbandists, good, respecting Mother Nature. We will reduce the consumption of disposable cups in schools, bars and bakeries, we will reduce, reduce the use of straws, and we will ask the subprefeitura to put grills in the culverts, there are many that fit an adult human being, what will say of a child ? !!!! And with this, the manholes will no longer need to be unclogged. And, no more plastics to meet the seas and endangered species.
Congratulations Daniel Freitas Cruz Do Carmo, and the group of JM, Father Ace Valdez, for the action, but it's up to the population to RESPECT the Environment, as Fernando Mendes would say: "It's no use going to church to pray, and doing everything wrong, of things, looking sideways. "
Hugs to all. Peace and good. Environmentalist, professor of Chemistry, writer, daughter, mother and wife: Téka Castro, were the names marked: For: Sueli Aparecida Candido de Paula, Geovanna Sousa Adilson Mikami 🕷🕸🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌷🌷🎋Marjorie Yoshioka, Katia Dos Santos Geraldo, Katia Cristina, Everton Seixas, Luciana PL Barreto Eleni Flores Messias, João Bosco Ferreira Coelho João Scortecci Antonio Eli Luiz Ferreirinha André Lopes Loula Jorge Aguiar Angela Mattos Angela Ferreira Patricia L. Domingos Patricia Martins Maria Clotildes Santos Emidio Rodrigues John Raju Nerella Vera Sabino Vera Lucia N Souza ...... Júlio Carreiro, let's all share this action, but it's up to the population to avoid throwing garbage in the streets !!!

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