
Attacks without reason.

Category: /General/

Attacks without reason.

Suddenly another day that moves us. Attacks in the Netherlands, today 18 March. It reminds me, that last week, other attacks occurred. Iniquitous people died, and even then, a wave of attacks continues that with my 51 years I can not understand. Why, so much violence in the world. Such pain? So great, and so forth. Women being victims of those who should protect them, are murdered, and say that I love them.
What kind of love is this?
Attacks on Mesquistas, on churches, in schools, at home, what is happening to the world? Is Revelation here and now occurring? Is it as the spiritualists say that the earth is in a new renewal? I do not know.
I only know that we should ask forgiveness, have more tolerance with our brother, believe in God, Allah, Jehovah, Emmanuel, in world peace. Believe that with love we can overcome everything.
That we can arm ourselves with Wisdom (Book of Wisdom, chapter 9), Bible - Christian, Catholic, Hail Mary. We have to learn to thank, I asked God for the suicides, the killers, the attackers. And, ask the population to disarm firearms, and as my friend Beto (WRCS) said, in one of my memoirs: "when you write exchange cannonballs, for rosebuds ...", E , I really hope to be able to exchange bullets of all kinds of weapons, words of low slang, and slander, by buttons of white, yellow, red roses .... roses.
Let us stop to think, not to build walls, or barriers, but bridges, to bring us together to God.
Peace and good.
I offer to all who have been victims of terrorist attacks, the families of the boys of Suzano, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Paris, ... the families of so many women who lost their earthly lives for those who claimed to love them, and for all we.
Téka Castro, teacher and writer.
Environmentalist. Spiritualist.
Daughter of God. Wife of Eduardo Riveiro Castro, there are those who understand me and love me, and I to him. To my children.
São Paulo, March 18, 2019.
Posted in 3 sites:
http://www.escritas.org - Teka Castro
http://etastic.com - Tereza C G Castro.

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