Holidays ending .... 2020 school year in Brazil starting.
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Holidays ending .... 2020 school year in Brazil starting.
Last days of vacation, and I wonder get out of my cocoon? No! But, my imagination flew, dreamed high, went around the world, in the writing of life.
I stayed here at home, watched sad news, saw that one year passed by the Brumadinho tragedy, and others happened so quickly. But, here the benefits or the actions so that no more tragedies announced in our journeys occur?
It is the academic year of 2020, it arrives and we see that the Minister of Education, announces that the ENEM (National High School Examination), was the best ever, and with so many errors that until then we didn't even know they had. Of course, we know that everything has changed. So, here I am, ready again on my full day as a full professor in charge of the Chemistry discipline, and readapted, not harassed, but my voice was lost over the 32 years of my profession.
2020, a new "innovative" concept for Education, a life project, for students, and for us, our dreams, our desires? Also the electives, and the technologies, that the students sincerely give us from 10 to zero. Of course, we have to guide them not to fall into the traps of social networks.
Yes, the school year for teachers and students in Brazilian schools is approaching, and the salary is better, and the conditions for all students, and the capacity of the managers in terms of humanity, and the union of us teachers, education officials, on the issue cleaning, which depends not only on the "aunt" of cleaning, but on all of us. In classrooms, the collaboration of students, and teachers, and remember that the Teachers' Room is collective, the cleaner we keep, the environment will be healthier.
Yes, the year begins, a new poetry for all of us, a hope for the future of the world, a lesson in love, history, philosophy, which we must have.
And, besides everything, don't forget to dream, to take care of each other, and always those magic words that our parents teach us: Thank you, Good morning, ... be obligatory for everyone. And that we are all capable of "taking care of what belongs to everyone".
Welcome, new students, new parents, new colleagues. Peace and good.
São Paulo, January 23, 2020.
To public school teachers in Brazil, especially teachers from the City and State of São Paulo.
Téka Castro, teacher and writer.
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