Readings an analysis of time ...
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Readings an analysis of time ...
I decided at once, not only to write, but to look to others for inspiration. I read the book, "The Piano", also "The Right Kind of Wrong Girl", and now reading: "The Time Machine", where thought went, wanders without fear, without haste, but permeates in reality, which today we can change so that the world does not come with Nature, living beings of all and any species end.
Yes, to improve my writing, my life, I will read, perhaps reread other books I have read, such as: Pingo de Luz 1 and 2, where he reports death, something that no one deviates from. Reading makes you think, reflect, get out of boredom, react to depression. To dream. Love with passion. To read is to study, it is to philosophize, and to remember that all the democratically existing things came from the Philosophers, in my enchanted world of Leucipo and Democritus, in the discovery of the atom.
Reading makes the pronunciation better, and not only in a daily issue, but the cool one, makes us debate with great masters, but for that, we must know how to discern what we read, what we listen to, and thus, show what we really are.
Reading is a magnificent adventure that I recommend for my children, and for all my students, although it seems too childish, it is reading Monteiro Lobato, "O Sítio do Pica-pau Amarelo", which in addition to being Brazilian is enchanting the use of imagination, something seductive.
Reading is fantastic, it inspires many, be it a beautiful melody, or a text by Shakespeare. It is worth reading. Feel the pleasure of handling a book, feel its leaves, see old editions, and share actions in your lives.
Peace and good.
Be happy.
Read. Comment. Reflects. Share.
Téka Castro, Chemistry teacher and writer.
São Paulo, January 23, 2020.
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