Institutional Act - AI 5
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Institutional Act - AI 5 -
Back to dictatorship
In the madness of the pandemic
A visionary, a madman,
That militates: Outside Democracy.
This, because he was elected by the people.
And, again, see the bloodthirsty
Devastation, poor, politicians critical of the government,
Historians, Teachers,
Taken to the dirty rooms of a place,
Raped again,
They make everyone demented,
And in the midst of it all,
If you see clearly,
The disillusionment of a people.
Bathed in violence on all sides.
Mothers who lose children to trafficking,
Girls and boys, in restless fashion,
And, still the challenge,
To stay home,
Just watching TV,
But we have other things,
Like reading, the search for culture,
And, the writing.
Dialogue without fighting,
I have to police myself,
Dialog with teenagers,
Who are in need of "friends"
From binges,
At home, mom fights,
Educate, teach, send reads,
Have things done,
Sweeping a garage,
Washing a dish,
Check lunch.
And, the young man finds himself without being hit by the virus,
And, think about just sleeping.
I think about what I did?
Especially for my children to be like that? !!!
Now, I resume this cry from some,
Back to dictatorship ?!
They should watch:
"The House of the Spirits" - https://deliriumnerd.com/2018/03/16/a-casa-dos-espiritos-isabel-allende/
With Antônio Bandeiras,
Or other period films,
And, who knows, God will put Wisdom to those who want to hurt Democracy so much.
I know that today everything has its fashion,
Everything is permissive,
We have to be plausible in our manifestations,
Not wanting the generalized mess,
Of imposed fashion as I see in such LGBT charts,
As in these ridiculous demonstrations
Of bolsonaristas groups wanting the madness
From the return of the dictatorship.
Myself after this poem
I would already consider myself a person,
A trapped poet, for sure.
Dictatorship never in shadows ever again,
But we also have the wisdom to not allow everything.
Handwritten poetry today 4/20/2020, after seeing several newscasts showing the Sunday demonstrations, in favor of Jair Bolsonaro.
The last two sentences were written exclusively for this site.
May God really protect us and give us Wisdom.
Let there be demonstrations at the LGBT parades, but without speaking ill of the Church or having orgies with Church symbols. They want respect, we also want, as a citizen, Ecumenical - Christian, I do not accept certain things.
I respect it because I have homosexual colleagues, and others, but it is worth remembering that we all respect each other a lot.
Tereza Cristina Gonçalves Mendes Castro.
In memoriam - Heveraldo - Known by Luana.
To Isaías, Nascélio, Matheus Gabriel ....
Peace, good and health to all of us.
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