Fierce Dispute
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Fierce Dispute
Trump or Joe Biden, who will win?
Here in Brazil 13 hours and 14 minutes, new information,
And unlike the United States,
Correspondent Tiago do Jornal Hoje,
Didactically clarified the logic
The logic of the American elections,
That weaken every American,
Whether they're Democrats, or Republicans,
May there be peace in the country,
And, let there be Environmental Awareness,
So that after all we can have a better world.
Whoever wins,
It will not be known today.
Maybe tomorrow,
And, there's no stopping everything,
And return to count.
Every vote, every drop, can fill the bucket,
And so the dispute continues on Donald Trump and Joe Biden.
Whoever it is,
May the Lord God win,
Promote and that there is really
Peace in this new American rebirth.
These are the wishes of a humble writer with a heart believing in the best of the Human Being.
Handwritten poetry on November 5, 2020.
Today on November 7 transcribed to these sites.
Tereza Cristina Gonçalves Mendes Castro
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