Much health to all in 2021
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Much health to all in 2021
May 2021 come with gifts, with the joy of the families gathered.
May we toast Life,
Love and the right to health and to seek means that will give us victories,
Not only to Brazilians but to the whole world.
May 2021, we can enrich ourselves more with empathy, peace, joy,
And, to be more responsible with ourselves and with the environment that surrounds us.
May 2021, let us take more care of the Planet, and we can be more loving to each other.
That 2021, think of the movie Mad Max, but that we act differently.
Let us be more transparent, both on a daily basis and politically.
May we have peace, thank doctors, scientists, nurses,
In fact to everyone who,
In an atypical year, they stayed more in hospitals than in their homes.
May God give us Wisdom and resilience to face everything, and
We live with more happiness.
Thank you to everyone who interacted, poetized and lived with hope.
Téka Castro
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