Conflicting in relation to the writing of a TCC on inclusion
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Conflicting in relation to the writing of a TCC on inclusion
I took an online course in neuropsychopedagogy.
Between read texts and my own poetry.
I live now to challenge,
The TCC - Faveni Course Conclusion Paper,
Where I'm hesitating about what to write, and everything I've ever lived.
I know it is conflicting to quote again about inclusion,
Especially in Education.
Thirty-three years lived,
Learned and interpreted daily.
My daily life, seeing students like Danilo,
From 1ºF at the time I taught at EE Prof. Alberto Conte,
A young man in a wheelchair, obese,
I slept in class, due to so much medication, and it was one of my first experiences, with inclusion.
I also remember another wheelchair user, who lived in front of the Senador Filinto Müller school, in Diadema,
Arnaldo, boy from heaven,
He used to make his chair his skateboard on that street,
And, it gave me chills.
A boy who drew wonderfully well,
Where in a seminar,
He presented, by drawings, the kingdom of sponges.
Ah. But, here I am thinking,
I have so much to write, in my mid-thirties,
Within Education,
But, I followed rules, difficult,
That's because I quote the truth,
I've done two CBTs for 2 friends,
Where I took ten, they passed,
And, when it's mine,
I stop.
I don't know, if this is a pandemic period,
This period of hunger for everything,
That invades my inspiring world.
But, I will accomplish, take strength from the core,
And build my own theory,
Remembering even to unite the bibliography this poetry:
That site.
We must run and show the world that inclusion here in Brazil,
It's something, which is for the English to see,
Especially in Public Education,
And in this time of pandemic in which we are inserted.
Ufa. Sorry for the outburst, in which I trace my conflicts,
Because in reading again,
I notice a scream.
Teka Castro.
São Paulo, April 7, 2021.
I offer it to everyone on the FAVENI team, to my former students, to my fellow teachers, who we know, that Education is not easy, we earn little, but we have to be strong, and fight for many who have no voices.
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