What is anxiety?
Category: /General/
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What is anxiety?
A hectic life, he would run day by day.
Fear of a near future.
A cold in the belly, something we can not even explain.
A feeling that explores the neurons, the life that follows, the time that roars, and everything seems to transcend, what is life, what is love?
Question the world, and the unique balance of oneself.
Life that is born simple, and complicated.
Lack of residence, resilience, affection.
Of course time passes quickly, and what was fear now is little by little.
And, I feel something inside my chest, a new right to exist at all, to persist.
To chase after a good dream.
Anxiety reflects in attitudes, youth passes fast, and often, because of this feeling, we repent of acts over time.
Thus, he is successive to a new dawn, and only to God to thank.
Teka Castro, writer.
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