Category: /General/
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Suddenly we lose ourselves in the world, we sin, we inhale our thoughts by greed and distortion of facts.
Reports of our expositions in social media, of people considered as normal, to the politicians who make their mimimis. Anyway, the exhibition of everything.
And in our world so much foolishness, so many disappointments, so many emotions that pop into our soul.
We want to be calm, but we live on a war footing, even with the Planet itself, which we call Earth. We are children of the same Father, Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh, Oxalá, Emmanuel, but we scrounge our frailest brothers and we rape In the name of God.
It was thus, in the Middle Ages, where Catholics haunted Indians in new lands, like the Americas, or as they did with so many Muslims, and now life so fragile, is a counterpart.
How many more living beings of every kind will be murdered by our acts ???
So many disappointments with my soul do I possess, and I translate into an outburst, request peace from God. So, like Solomon, he asked for Wisdom, I ask today because I have more than half a century to live. I have yet to educate and educate myself. I ask for peace and wisdom, as it is written in the Bible in Wisdom Chapter 9, in the oldest Bibles, we find this prayer.
We must then grow even in our disappointments, in the conquests of Life, and lead the other to grow, without having to look only at our own navel.
We must all believe, know how to hold hands, have faith, focus, unity, and not build barriers, walls, we must remember that either rich or poor, God will one day judge us.
We are composed of the same protein structure as God's DNA, so we have to believe and try to stop causing disappointments in others, as in ourselves.
Peace and good.
May you, reader, be happy. Hugs, Teka Castro, professor of the discipline of chemistry, environmentalist, writer and spiritualist.
I dedicate to my children: Alexia Cristina, Emmanuel and Anna Clara Castro, my former students and colleagues in the world, especially here in Brazil, where being a teacher that should be so valued, is so despised by corrupt politicians who earn millions and say they are starving.
This is a disappointment that I can not understand and forgive. May our Brazilian politicians live with R $ 998.00 (nine hundred and ninety-eight reais, just like any other worker, since it is our minimum wage).
Let us believe in life.
Let us seek God, not in the churches, or temples that live saying that a bottle of anointed wine costs $ 1000.00, or if they use hypochromes to support their pastors, whatever religion it may be. We have only the Commandment of Jesus, Love.
Teka Castro.
São Paulo, January 12, 2019.
Sunny Saturday by the City of SP. Angelus time.
Posted in Etastic.com and Fine Arts. Ning
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